Please note: The SpaceshipOne project is currently inactive, and now serves primarily as an archive of educational content.
At its core, our mission is simple: we want to help. Our world today faces many complex challenges. Within them, we see opportunities for immense growth, liberation, and abundance.
The team at SpaceshipOne wants to empower learning, and more importantly, action — individually and collectively, so that we can each play a role in building a brighter future for us all.


Anna (she/they) is SpaceshipOne’s Founder & Editorial Director. She grew up in small
towns along California’s coast, and is currently based in Brooklyn, NY.
“Growing up in the majestic redwood forests of west Marin County and the vibrant kelp
forests of Monterey Bay gave me a deep love and respect for nature, a catalyst for
getting involved in the environmental movement. At around ten years old, I started
getting involved in community beach clean-ups and citizen science efforts, testing water
quality in rivers. As a young teen, I was an outreach volunteer for the... Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. I would talk with visitors from all over the world about how protecting marine life supports a stable climate, along with human health and livelihoods.
"It wasn’t until later, as an adult, that I started living in big cities, like Oakland and Buenos Aires, where I met people whose experiences with their environment differed vastly from mine. I came to realize just how many people don’t have access to green spaces, and deal with dirty air & water as a daily health burden. Seeing these environmental injustices, and also learning about the issues as an environmental studies major, made me even more determined to work on solutions.
"I’m fascinated by how people feel, think, and communicate about humanity’s relationship with our environment, and how these attitudes, philosophies, and narratives inform action. When I did my undergraduate thesis on the messaging around climate change, I found that the most effective messages emphasize common values and actionable solutions. After graduating from UC Berkeley in 2018, I had the opportunity to give climate communication workshops with a climate leadership nonprofit in the Bay Area.
"I founded the SpaceshipOne platform in 2020 with the mission of showing how we can repair and fuel our original spaceship— the awesome planet earth— for the long haul, with health and justice for all. I love working with my co-captain, Paloma, on the SpaceshipOne podcast; with Joanna on design and the website; and with Paloma and Michelle to create educational content for the blog and social media.”

Paloma (she/her) is SpaceshipOne’s social media manager and content creator
alongside Anna. She grew up in Southern California, graduated from UC Berkeley in
2020, and is currently based in San Diego, CA.
“Growing up close to the US-Mexico border in the Imperial Valley highlighted the
consequences of an unequal system and the importance of ...intersectional environmental
justice. Clean air and water weren’t guaranteed, and asthma was as common as
unemployment. Later as an undergrad at UC Berkeley, I studied biochemistry and
environmental science while working as a community organizer. Since then I’ve worked
on sharing knowledge with others to redefine what is normal in certain communities.
"Here at SpaceshipOne, I love working with my co-captain, Anna, to create educational
content for our blog and podcast. For me, SpaceshipOne is a platform to spotlight
different solutions that best provide environmental and climate justice.”

Joanna (she/her) is SpaceshipOne’s UX/UI designer. She grew up in Miami, launched
her career in New York City, and currently lives in Los Angeles.
“Living in different cities has allowed me to see different lifestyles, social issues, and
group mentality based on each city's culture. After studying Anthropology/Sociology at
Florida International University..., I continued my education focusing on design and
communication. Since then I’ve worked on honing my skills as a designer across
different disciplines.
"At SpaceshipOne I develop and maintain the look and feel of our digital product.
Through this platform, I’ve found a great interest in sustainable design. I’ve always been
very curious about the process of how things are made, and this platform has given me
the opportunity to explore and learn how we can create more sustainable solutions to
older ways of living.”

Michelle (she/her) is SpaceshipOne’s Environmental Health intern. She grew up in California's Central Valley, graduated from UC Berkeley in 2021, and currently lives in Stockton, CA.
“Growing up in the city of Stockton, I was exposed to various social injustices that lead to poor health and education for many. This motivated me to act on behalf of Stockton and choose to study Public Health and Environmental Science at UC Berkeley. Since then, I have been focusing on building the skills necessary to give back to my community. At SpaceshipOne, I have had the opportunity to share educational content on a platform that can be accessed by people worldwide.”