Decolonizing Energy: Equity for Africa in The Clean Energy Transition
As demand rises for Africa’s resources, and as climate change scourges the continent, we must undo the legacy of colonization that has defined the fossil fuel era.
As demand rises for Africa’s resources, and as climate change scourges the continent, we must undo the legacy of colonization that has defined the fossil fuel era.
Co-host Anna speaks with her father about her grandfather’s involvement in the Manhattan Project, and about the role of nuclear technology today as safe, reliable, clean energy that can advance climate action.
When a powerful cyclone brought historic rainfall and floods, halting my mangrove research, Aotearoa had a lot teach me about climate & community resilience.
What does climate change have to do with your health? Everything, in turns out. Whether it’s air pollution, waterborne diseases, or eco-anxiety, climate change is a public health emergency. So, what can we do about it?
Truth, justice, and collaboration can move us beyond empty promises toward meaningful action on climate change.
Despite inadequate governmental action on climate change, so much is being done by non-governmental organizations to move things forward, whether through advancing clean energy solutions, or developing communities’ resilience to climate impacts.
2020 was dubbed the year of the climate election, but fast forward almost two years later, and the US federal government’s ability to act on climate is severely limited. How did we get here? And where do we go from here?
As an environmental health intern, climate change is always on my mind. It is one of the reasons why I wished to visit Alaska. Climate change events have become a constant presence, such that it feels as if we were talking about the weather. (In a way, we are!)
Co-hosts Paloma & Anna speak with Max Feinberg, CTO of Verdova, about leveraging data to help farmers make soil-based carbon offsets.